Goal- Create David from imagination
Subject- Michelangelo
Object- Marble Block
Blocker - Ease of adapting to his imagination
Solution - Most Sculptors would mark their block of marble to know where to chip, but Michelangelo worked freehand starting from front and then working back. He would start by roughing out by taking off the bulk of the weight with a point chisel and a large mallet for getting it down to general shape of the sculpture and then work inwards.
Digitization Principle and ID - Separation
Goal- Be extremely precise in creating David
Subject- Michelangelo
Object- Marble Block
Blocker - Strength of the Marble was a constraint with no room for error
Solution - Michelangelo displayed the strength of an Athlete and accuracy of a surgeon while sculpting David. He used different techniques and tools to work on different areas of the statue. For example, using point chisel to take bulk weight out, large mallet to get it down to general shape, tooth tool for detailed work and modelling and finishing with a rasp.
Digitization Principle and ID - Local Quality
Goal- Sculpt colossal statue of David
Subject- Michelangelo
Object- David
Blocker - He was asked to use an old block of marble already owned by the cathedral which was too narrow and one sculptor even carved a large hole out
Solution - To overcome the constraints, Michelangelo used two approaches. 1) Instead of creating the posture of David and then picking the marble of that size, he took the marble and later started to fit the posture of David into it. 2) He took each area of the marble and tried to fit the body of David in the most suited posture. David had to look to the side as there wasn't enough marble to face him forward. David had to be in contrapposto position so his legs would fit around the large holes already in the marble. He had to be slender due to the depth of the marble.
Digitization Principle and ID - Segmentation and Inversion.
Goal- Give a strong message, 1) David wins Goliath with rationality and skill rather than brute strength. 2) David represents an ideal human who can become a hero by intelligence and will power.
Subject- Michelangelo
Object- Biblical story of David
Blocker - Traditionally David was portrayed at the point of victory holding the head of dead Goliath and extremely Powerful.
Solution - The story of David and Goliath is the biblical story of Philistine giant defeated by the teenage Israelite with his sling. The story end by David cutting off his head and holding it up to the cheering crowd. But Michelangelo took a different timeline of the story and for the first time in history David is depicted before the battle and the moment of victory.
Digitization Principle and ID - Prior Action
Goal- Make David look more Human like who is tense but contemplates the challenge ahead of him with a calculated gaze and emphasize David's victory was intellectual
Subject- Michelangelo
Object- David
Blocker - The marble is hard and strong
Solution - To make David look more humane and real he worked at each part of the body with specific characteristics. David had to look like he is at the peak of his concentration contemplating the challenge ahead of him and he is not a self assured boy but an apprehensive man and to bring that precision, Michelangelo made David's
Digitization Principle and ID - Local Quality
Goal- As per commission, statue was designed to be seen by viewers from 80 meters below and Michelangelo wanted the viewer to observe the small details clearly.
Subject- Viewer
Object- David
Blocker - For the viewer to see the statue clearly, the volume of the statue has to be increased
Solution - Create unusually large head and hands so the proportions work perfectly when seen from below
Digitization Principle and ID - Asymmetry
Goal- Create a Christian context of David
Subject- Biblical story of David
Object- David Statue
Blocker - It was had to create a status of a Jewish hero from a Christian perspective and that can be easily understood by the viewer
Solution - Michelangelo modified the Jewish hero David, by not circumcising as the catholic church denounced it and regarded it as barbaric in the middle ages.
Digitization Principle and ID - Separation
Goal- Depict the principles of modesty, respectability and will power
Subject- Michelangelo
Object- Philosophical angle of David
Blocker - It is hard to bring this context into the statue that can be easily understood by the viewer
Solution - In contrast to contemporary images of satyrs and other figures that represented evil sexuality, David's penis is rather small depicting modestly and also that he is in control of his own urges.
Digitization Principle and ID - Inversion